
Thank you 2021 – For the good, the bad, and the ugly, I am GRATEFUL!
Lord, I am humbled to call myself your son. Thank you for always loving me, especially when I fall into the evil ways knowing that you are my only rescue. I am grateful that you have loved me through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I come before you acknowledging my love for you, Father. I surrender to you, following your path for me. God, thank you. I am grateful that you saw me through 2021. You carried me through the hardships and challenges. You continued to amaze me even when I was at my weakest. I am grateful for the kindness, the love, and even the grief. Those lessons were monumental.

I am happy that I was able to meet some of my goals, though not all. The challenges showed me strength through seeking you first. As the word said, “Seek you first the kingdom of God.” When I fell off as the devil tempted me, I was quick to look toward the kingdom. Even as I made decisions and I mentored others, I often sought your presence in the matter. I am humbled by 2021. It came well and with the hope of freedom from the long drought brought by Corona (COVID), but it lingered.

Worrior Solutions - Helping One Another

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I am grateful for the new friends that came my way. They have contributed in so many ways, as they delivered your message and answered many of my prayers through them. I love them all as I love you, God. Thank you for giving me this experience of living. For leading a life I choose – a life of purpose. The most admirable for me is the service. Your service. The ability to connect with people who need me as you use me to reach them. That energy is living for me. I feel it each and every day.
I am conquering my fears and doubts, and my growth has been my connection with your choice for me. Lord, I thank you.
I am grateful for 2021. The good, the bad, and the ugly
I welcome 2022 much more equipped, with love, patience, acknowledgment of me, and faith for and in you, God.

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